Understanding the Benefits of Fleet Vehicle Maintenance

There is no denying the differences between personal and work vehicles. Even if they start out the same, work vehicles and personal vehicles tend to differ dramatically in the way they’re used, how they’re driven and the number of miles put on them. Still, nowhere are the differences greater than when discussing work trucks.

Fleet Vehicle Maintenance

The increased towing and hauling capacity means having a fleet of trucks, or even just two or three can be a huge benefit to contractors, landscapers, painters and various other businesses. In fact, many companies couldn’t survive without their work trucks, which is precisely why it is so vital that you make sure your fleet vehicles are properly maintained. Otherwise, you may find yourself facing expensive repairs and potentially lost time should one of your work trucks break down.

Professional Looking Company Vehicles Equal Free Advertising

Of course, your company vehicles being such a noticeable extension of your business aren’t always a bad thing. In fact, you can use this as a way to get your company some free advertising. Driving around town all day with your business’ name, logo and contact information proudly displayed on your work trucks with custom truck wraps can provide huge benefits. Moreover, having these vehicles parked at your job site can help even more. Nonetheless, these benefits may soon turn to negatives if your vehicles don’t look professional and well maintained.

The Importance of Following a Maintenance Schedule

Keeping up with the maintenance of only one or two work trucks usually isn’t that difficult. Still, it can suddenly be much harder to keep track of everything when you’re dealing with a small-to-medium size fleet of trucks. In this case, it is essential that you keep everything written down instead of trying to juggle it all in your head. Alternatively, you can also find a range of preventive and routine fleet maintenance schedule software that can make things even easier.

Either way, the point is that you follow the manufacturer’s recommended maintenance schedule for each vehicle in your fleet. Essentially, the maintenance schedule for a work truck isn’t all that different from any other vehicle. Still, the fact is that work vehicles often end up with more miles quicker than personal vehicles. Drivers, unfortunately, tend to treat work vehicles with less care than their own vehicles, and most work trucks also just generally used harder and suffer from more overall abuse. For these reasons, it may sometimes be necessary to have various maintenance tasks performed before you reach the manufacturer’s recommended mileage.

The Benefits of Proper Fleet Vehicle Maintenance and Care

Maintaining your fleet vehicles obviously provides numerous mechanical benefits that should help to cut back on the need for expensive repairs. Nonetheless, maintaining your work trucks doesn’t just mean focusing on its engine and other mechanical components. Instead, it is essential that you also take the time to make sure your company vehicles look the part as well.

In essence, your work trucks and other company vehicles are a direct and obvious reflection of your business. It’s an unfortunate fact, but the truth is that some potential customers are likely to judge your company simply by the way your vehicles look. In this sense, it’s also important to repair any cosmetic damage and take whatever other steps are necessary to protect the appearance of your vehicles.

Security is also something to consider when looking after fleet vehicles. It’s not usual for work trucks and vans to contain expensive tools and equipment, which makes them popular targets for thieves. Invest in tool lockup boxes and beefed-up vehicle security to reduce the chances of your fleet vehicles being targeted for burglary.

Ultimately, work trucks are the lifeblood of many small businesses. In this sense, it is vital that you do everything you can to keep them well-maintained and in as good of shape as possible. Having to repair or replace any of your work vehicles can quickly cause lasting damage to your business’ bottom line. On the other hand, having a fleet of vehicles that look properly maintained and well taken care of can only reflect well on your company and your level of professionalism.

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