Tips for Your Next Automotive Trade Show Exhibition

Like companies competing in most other sectors, those in the automotive industry often make appearances at trade shows and expos. This gives them the means to introduce themselves to potential customers they may otherwise struggle to reach with standard marketing techniques. The face-to-face factor coupled with a high concentration of experts and professionals is too good to pass up. The right interaction or demonstration can lead to a big contract. Simply put, the typical company in the automotive sector can’t afford to skip these events.

If this describes your business or the business you work for, consider what’s at stake and be determined to do everything you can to make a trade show presence pay off as much as possible. With this in mind, here are some useful tips for your next automotive trade show exhibition:

Test your prototypes

You’ve no doubt seen the video or at least heard of it by now. We’re talking about Elon Musk’s on-stage unveiling of the “Cybertruck” last November. The driver side windows of the prototype – which Musk claimed were impervious to the destructive forces of most vehicle collisions – were smashed apart when pelted with steel projectiles. While Musk managed to take the unexpected failure in stride, the incident demonstrates the importance of testing prototypes behind closed doors before doing so in front of a live audience.

Bring a branded canopy

A booth you rent at an automotive industry trade show can be nothing more than a table and a display wall if you want. But such a spartan setup robs you of the added influence of a more elaborate presence. Don’t worry, we’re not saying it’s imperative to invest in thousands of dollars worth of bells and whistles, but an automotive company’s trade show booth could benefit greatly from a branded 10×10 canopy overhead. It’s tall enough to be seen from a distance, drawing visitors who may otherwise never come across your station. It’s wide enough to encapsulate your booth. It’s also reusable, so why not?

Hand out relevant promotional items

Just about every company in existence has invested in promotional products. This ubiquitousness has the potential to deflate the potency of the promotional items your automotive company hands out to trade show attendees. Override this liability by opting for fun, interesting, and industry-relevant products. We’d normally classify keychains as too conventional to choose, but their relevance to the automotive industry makes them a worthwhile option. Toy cars, car-themed calendars, tire pressure gauges, air fresheners, and sunglasses are other relevant items to consider. Anything that accentuates a company’s connection to motor vehicles and driving is a safe bet.

Showcase your affiliations

Is Toyota a client? Has the company worked with Michelin? These and other business relationships with household names in the automotive world need to be broadcast for everyone to see. The display walls of a trade show booth are prime real estate for showcasing these business relationships.

Send the right people

Some people are better at interacting with strangers than others, and the same can be said for promoting a brand or product. The individuals manning your booth at the next automotive trade show ought to be friendly, engaging, and knowledgable. If this means hiring outsiders to represent the company, so be it; sending shy or otherwise sheepish employees to staff the booth will undermine everything an automotive company is trying to achieve with a trade show presence.

The automotive industry encompasses far more than automakers and tire companies. Thousands of small businesses work to supply the giants with the latest machinery, advanced technology, and state-of-the-art developments required to assemble the automobiles of the future. But in order to do so, they must first make the sale. A strong presence at automotive industry trade shows is a key component of making that happen.