Overcoming the Limitations of Size and Speed for Automotive Prototyping

Prototyping allows automotive manufacturers to make important design decisions earlier in the product development cycle. In the current competitive market, automotive prototyping should be rapid, costs less material, and can be scaled up efficiently to make the product(s).

Without having to input the more expensive parts of the car, both manufacturers and end-user can test and proof car performance against pre-determined design specifications. The process may face two main challenges, namely the speed and size of the automotive prototype.

The speed of prototyping is vital in ensuring the timely delivery of products and decision-making on car designs. Finding techniques for rapid prototyping is imperative because slow prototyping can be expensive and ineffective.

On the other hand, finding techniques that can be used to make large-sized car prototypes is essential. Unlike auto parts manufacturing where small prototypes can be rapidly made, making whole automotive prototypes can be challenging. Here we discuss the techniques that can be used to overcome size and speed limitations in automotive prototyping.

How to realize speedy automotive prototyping

Speedy automotive prototyping allows the manufacturer to make design decisions, mistakes, and adjustments as early as possible in the product development cycle. Limitations in time can be costly and ineffective in the long term. To overcome this limitation, current technology supports the use of two techniques; computer-aided design (CAD) and 3D printing.


In prototyping, CAD is used for the geometric definitions of the three-dimensional models of a product. The technique used a collection of design specifications and pre-determined steps to define a model similar to the physical end product.  It also supports the calculation of functionalities and logical operations of both the prototype and the end product.

With CAD models, manufacturers can simulate and verify the respective processes associated with the automotive product earlier in the development stage. Similarly, it allows the automotive manufacturing process to have time to configure the parts and systems based on the specified design requirements.

CAD can solve the limitation of speed by making the ‘definition’ and ‘concept’ phases of automotive prototyping more efficient and rapid. In the ‘definition’ phase, CAD provides data useful for evaluating the technical and economic viability of the car design and model. This gives way to the ‘concept’ phase where CAD is used to generate automotive model geometrical and functional data for simulation, mock-up, and engineering processes.

Similarly, CAD is used to confirm, adjust or modify the prototypes depending on the simulation and testing outcomes. CAD fills the time gap that exists between rapid and slow prototyping by allowing concurrent engineering where prototyping adjustments can be done at the stage of the process. Whether used in whole car prototyping or auto parts manufacturing, this approach saves more time.

3D Printing

This technique is among the additive manufacturing approaches used to achieve rapid prototyping in the automotive industry. 3D printing uses CAD-generated data to scan and create a physical output of the automotive prototype design. Unlike conventional approaches to prototyping where pieces were removed from a block of material to achieve the desired structure, 3D printing is programmed to rapidly add layers to create the prototype based on the specified geometrical conformations. 3D printing solves the limitation of speed in automotive manufacturing due to its ability to rapidly make prototypes through an iterative.

In addition, 3D printing can achieve complex geometrical conformations and structures of prototypes at lower costs of operation and materials. On the other hand, it allows the manufacturers to combine a wide range of materials in the prototype without having to disrupt the prototyping process. The manufacturer can there integrate multiple materials into the prototype that would otherwise be slower and costlier with conventional prototyping approaches.

How to realize the larger sizes of automotive prototypes

The popularity of 3D printing in the automotive industry is mostly associated with auto parts manufacturing. Whole automotive prototypes are larger in size compared to auto parts. Unlike smaller products such as auto parts that can be rapidly designed and made, timely prototyping of larger products can be difficult to handle with the 3D printing technique.

Additionally, making small auto parts before assembling them to form the entire prototype can be counterproductive. To maintain fast speed for larger sizes of automotive prototypes, alternative techniques such as CNC machining, clay and foam can be used.

CNC Machining

CNC machining works with computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) units to enable the creation of larger prototypes in the auto industry. Like 3D printing, CNC machines receive geometrical and design information from CAM and use their motor axes to carve out the automotive prototype through subtractive manufacturing.

CNC machining solves the size limitation in automotive prototyping because it can simultaneously hold a piece of large material while cutting it into the desired shape and design. The 5-axis CNC machine supports rapid automotive prototyping along three Cartesian planes and other two additional joint movements. In turn, the technique allows manufacturers to work with prototypes that require complex geometries.

One of the standout characteristics that make CNC machining a solution to size in automotive prototypes is its ability to precisely manufacture large-scale prototypes, especially those with intricate geometries. Despite the sizes of its products, the technique can achieve high tolerances, repeatability accuracies, and rapid speeds due to automation.

Due to its ability to support large-scale automotive prototyping, CNC machining has been used in making both prototypes and products of car interior panels, complex design starter motors, cylinder heads, drive axles, gearboxes, and car lighting materials among others.

Foam and Clay

In addition to CNC machining, other companies have reported the use of clay and foam to make automotive prototypes to eliminate size-related limitations. Clay can be used to create full-size models of non-functional prototypes. Clay offers the advantage of being malleable and can be used to test prototype forms before engaging more expensive input on the product.

On the other hand, foam can be used to make sense of product forms before continuing to the later stages of development. Notably, these alternatives cannot be automated, making them slow and inaccurate.


Overall, the limitations of size and speed in automotive prototyping can be solved by the use of advanced manufacturing technology. 3D printing allows for rapid automotive prototyping and can be specially used in auto parts manufacturing. On the other hand, due to its size limitations, it is appropriate to use CNC machining for large-scale or full-size prototypes. CNC machining also supports rapid, precise, and repetitive manufacturing of auto prototypes of intricate structures.