Mighty Machines

A feat of innovative design and incredible engineering, mighty machines are gigantic and very powerful. Designed for specific tasks the ingenuity used to make some of the toughest jobs on the planet easier, these mighty machines are awe inspiring.

The infographic below showcases some of the world’s most colossal machines, providing facts on how much they weigh, their size and their cost. We think you’ll find these statistics amazing and mind blowing, after all big machines need huge, powerful engines to run them, along with copious amounts of fuel to make them work.

Our infographic includes size comparisons with some things that will be more familiar to you, to help put the enormity of the size of the machines into perspective. You’ll be astounded at just how big some of these mighty machines are.

Take a look at the information below to see just how amazing and essential these machines are at helping military move large objects from ship to shore, how gigantic aeroplanes they help tackle fires from the air and how super tankers that are as huge as skyscrapers transport oil around the world.


From design concept to fully operational, these mighty machines have helped to change the way problems are solved, read on to discover more and be prepared to be amazed.

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