Knowing the Law: 6 Types of car Accident Injuries You’re Entitled to Seek Compensation For

More than three million people are injured in car accidents every year. That’s a big number. It means that no one is safe. As long as you’re a using the public roads, an injury is never far away.

Car Accident injuries

One way to arm yourself in case you become a victim is by knowing the types of injuries you’re likely to suffer in a car accident. Although there are many such injuries, the six most common types that you can seek compensation for are as follows;

  1. Head injuries

Head injuries can take many forms. An unexpected change in direction or stop can cause sudden and unnatural movements, causing strains in the head. There could also be an impact. In a head-on crash, for example, the driver might hit his or her head on the steering.  Flying objects such as broken chips can also hit the head and cause swelling or bleeding on the face and all over the head. Sometimes the chips might even find their way into the head.

  1. Brain injuries

Within the headrests the brain. Therefore, when the head is seriously affected, the brain is likely to be affected too. Brain injuries often depend on the severity and type of the accident. There are five broad categories of brain injuries; concussions, contusions, penetrations, coup-contrecoups, and diffuse axonal injuries. Most of these injuries are extremely difficult and costly to treat. Some can even cause permanent brain damage.

  1. Chest Injuries

Car accident victims can also suffer chest injuries. These injuries often take the form of contusions or bruises, but can sometimes be more severe. For example, a person could sustain broken ribs or internal injuries. Drivers, in particular, almost always suffer chest injuries in collisions because of the proximity between them and the steering wheel. Passengers may also suffer serious chest injuries when their bodies are abruptly thrown against seat belts.

  1. Scrapes and cuts

Many people who’ve suffered injuries in car accidents also often sustain scrapes and cuts to various parts of the body. These are primarily caused by projectiles within the car. It could be cell phones, eyeglasses, books, coffee mugs and so on. In a crash, these objects will be thrown all over the car. When they hit you, the impact can cause cuts or scrapes.

  1. Soft tissue injuries

Soft tissue injuries are injuries to connective tissue within the body. These include muscles, ligaments, and tendons. Like other injuries, soft tissue injuries can take many forms. Whiplash, for instance, is a form of soft tissue injury that affects the neck and upper back. It occurs when muscles and ligaments in these regions are stretched due to sudden movement resulting from a collision.

  1. Arm and leg injuries

Finally, car accident victims can also suffer injuries to their arms and legs. If it’s a side impact, your arms and legs could be seriously hit to the point where you could break a few bones. In head-on crashes, the knees can hit the dashboard at a high speed causing fractures. And, depending on the nature of the accident, the arms and legs can also sustain bruises and sprains.

If you’ve sustained any of these injuries, seek immediate medical attention. Then call your lawyer right after that.

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