Can you really save money on car insurance by choosing an electric car?

Electric cars are becoming increasingly popular in Britain today, and with good reason: they have low…

The Future of the Self-Driving Car Industry

The future of automotive manufacturing is destined to be entirely automated. Given the inevitable dominance of…

Want to Increase Your Car Insurance Settlement? Here Are 3 Essential Things You Need to Do

When you’ve been involved in a car accident, it’s natural to feel distraught and devastated over…

The Many Dangers of Street Racing

Street racing is often portrayed as a fun and character-building activity. Many people watch movies like…

Knowing the Law: 6 Types of car Accident Injuries You’re Entitled to Seek Compensation For

More than three million people are injured in car accidents every year. That’s a big number.…

When Insurance Won’t Cut It: How to File a Lawsuit After a Car Accident

When you’ve been injured in an accident, losses begin to pile up. You may lose time…

The Grim Numbers: 5 Interesting Facts About Truck Accidents

In 2013, approximately eleven percent of all accident fatalities on the road were attributed to commercial…

What’s next For Auto Dealers Once Electric &Self Driven Vehicles start rolling out?

The biggest anguish to the dealership today is how their business will survive with the new…

Custom Auto Accessories Manufacturers Make-Do with Niche Markets

Around the world, people are catching on to the fact they don’t have to accept exactly…