It is always important to be safe when you drive a car. Tens of years ago, cars were not that safe. Nowadays, incredible technology was invented in order to deal with cars that go faster and faster. Because of the simple reason that your life depends on the security that you have inside the vehicle, it is normal to be really careful when it comes to safety features.
Whenever talking about car safety, we need to think about technology. Regardless of what extra features you have, like a valuable Kia extended warranty from olive, you should still know more about safety features first if you want to be safe. This is particularly the case when referring to the following 3 inventions that drastically improved modern car security. Obviously, you will want all of these three inside the vehicle.
Dash Cameras
One thing that few people know is that dash cameras first appeared during the eighties inside police vehicles. Then, they gradually started to become more and more affordable for the regular car owner.
When thinking about security innovations, we do not normally consider dash cameras. However, we need to acknowledge the fact that a simple video of an accident can do wonders in terms of proof. Remember that 70 percent of all accidents are not actually the fault of the driver. With the use of dash camera technology, the car owner has the evidence needed to show exactly what happened.
Keep in mind the fact that there are many different options that are available on the market. There is definitely no shortage of dash cameras you could buy. With this in mind, it is really important that you shop around.
Read reviews and read all that you can about dash cameras. You will quickly figure out the fact that some are a lot better than others. Just make sure that you read the articles written by certified industry professionals. You cannot trust a random blogger that launched his site a few weeks ago.
Is there any technology developed for cars that is more important in terms of safety than the airbag? Just like dash cameras, airbags are older than many believe. They first appeared during the fifties but were constantly developed, with the first very successful airbag being invented in the year 1963 by YasuzaburouKobori. This was the very first airbag prototype. All modern airbags were created around that model.
Leaving history aside, it was only during the nineties and eighties when airbags started to be regularly included inside American cars. Nowadays, they are standard and you should never buy a vehicle that does not include airbags. This is how important this security technology is for cars.
Airbags did go a huge way since the model that was first introduced when it was invented. In the beginning, there were just a couple of airbags used in a car. Nowadays, modern cars can have many airbags, including inside passenger doors.
Seat Belts
Last but not least, the third most important invention that made cars safe is the one that we all know, the seat belt. These are so important that they actually required by law these days. It is very easy to understand why since we are talking about the most effective technology when it comes to saving lives and actively minimizing car crash injuries. Just think about the fact that close to 59% of people between 12 and 44 that died in car accidents did not wear seat belts when the crash happened.
The first seat belts appeared during the 1800s, with regular use being reality during the mid-thirties. In the year 1958, the standard three-point seat belt was invented. It actively protected the passenger’s upper and lower body. Then, in the year 1966, absolutely all cars had to be manufactured with the inclusion of seat belts.
These 3 innovations made the car you drive safer and you do need them. However, there are many others that you can consider. Think about every single security feature that the car has. This will help you to make an informed choice when you buy a vehicle. Stay safe on the road and try to include as many safety features as possible.